About Me

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another mom, another blog

As I hesitate to create yet another "this mom's blog," I think why not. Maybe someone out there will find me interesting, helpful, inspiring, or will just laugh as I encounter many of life's FAIL moments.

Some days I think I'm just one smelly pile of diapers away from packing it all up and escaping to a tropical paradise with no forwarding address. Then my little man, the light of my life, runs over and tackles me in his version of a hug. And that makes it all better. I never imagined I'd be living this life. But do any of us really? All in all, it is a really good life, too.  I'm really lucky that way.

So, what's the point of this blog, eh?
  • For me to vent, scream, rant, and rave
  • For me to share my proud and not so proud moments
  • For me to talk about my non-mommy side (jewelry, warm glass, PMC, etc)
  • For me to not lose myself in being a mommy
So stay tuned. Who knows, maybe you'll stumble upon something good enough to share with someone else. Or maybe you'll just have one of those "Thank goodness it isn't just me" moments. Either way, here's hoping this will turn into more than just another one of life's FAILs.

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