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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making those Valentine's flowers last

My husband sent me flowers yesterday, as is his usual Valentine's Day custom. I love the arrangements he sends me as they are filled with roses, lilies, orchids, and other lovelies. The florist always does a great job, even when he waits to the last minute (like he did, ahem, yesterday). [side note: The florist laughed at him when he called, but I can't say that I blame her. I laughed too, when he told me about it last night, but they sure didn't hold it against him.]

There is also a balloon and a bag of rose petals that came with it. I love every detail.

Anyway, back to the point of this post. Making the flowers last longer. I noticed the red tulips near the bow were drooping a bit, so I threw in a few pennies. My grandmother always said that adding a penny or two would perk the tulips back up. Guess we'll wait and see.

Then, I stumbled upon this post:
 How to make that valentines day bouquet last

So I also added a sugar cube to the water.  I'd added a good bit of clean water earlier this morning, when I noticed it was starting to get low. Being lazy or clever, or a bit of both, I used a turkey baster and a reusable sports bottle to add the water to the vase so I wouldn't have to move it.  Kept me from spilling water and getting the leaves wet, so it worked well for my use.

Maybe some of those tips will work for you. If so, drop me a note and let me know which ones you tried. :-)

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